lunes, 27 de mayo de 2013

Being a 19 years old women in chile: Advantages and disadvantages

When the people have 19 years old, they are superior students, and spend their time studying or working.
In Chile, if you have 18 years old, you are an adult for law, so being a 19 years old women in Chile is an advantage because exist a lot of work that you can postulate, in comparison to man. A disadvantage is that you haven’t similar laboral experiences, you can’t work. But if they don’t give you work, you can’t gain experience. So is a conflictive situation.

With 19 years old, the woman has more request of the society, in special by parents. The woman should take more care of pervert adults, assaults (because she is less strong than the bad man) and a woman never should be walking alone in the street, especially during the night. But, forgetting all these difficulties, in that age, the woman are in a kind of apogee in her life, where she can make everything she has proposed to herself, reaching her target with success. She has more access to opportunities in the studies and in the personal development. Is not necessary force herself for to look fine and the most important is that the women can make two things both.

Being a woman help you to open doors in the labor market, because a woman have a better personal presentation, and her work’s way involves more organization, and is maybe more faster. The disadvantage is the reduced salary and the stress in the work, especially in office, for the reason that a boss normally gives to her more job tan a man.

So, in Chile we find a sexist society, where the man is viewed like a superior person in comparison with a woman in many aspects, for example: in strength, salary, kind of labors, in intelligence, etc.

1 comentario:

  1. Dear Catherine,

    Word count 315, fine.

    Your point of view is interesting; however, you have too many mistakes that I need you to check and correct, so pease do:

    Being a 19 year(s) old women in (c)hile: Advantages and disadvantages…

    When (the) people (have) 19 years old, they are (superior) students, and spend their time studying or working.

    In Chile, if you (have) 18 years old, you are an adult for law, so being a 19 year(s) old womAn in Chile is an advantage because (exist a lot of work that you can postulate), in comparison to mEn. A disadvantage is that you (haven’t) similar (laboral) experiences, you can’t work.
    …So IT is a conflictive situation.

    With 19 years (old) (the woman) WOMEN (has) more requestS (of) FROM (the) society, in special (by) parents. (The woman) WOMEN should take more care of (pervertS ?)

    … a woman (never should be walking) alone in the street,

    … (the woman) WOMEN are in a kind of apogee in (her) THEIR life, where she can (make) everything (she has proposed to herself)

    …IT Is not necessary TO force herself (for) to look fine and the most important (THING?)is that (the women) WOMEN can (make) two things (both) AT THE SAME TIME

    Being a woman helpS you…

    …a woman (have) HAS a better personal presentation, and her (work’s way) involves more organization, and is maybe (more faster).

    …the stress (in) AT (the) work,

    …a boss normally gives (to) her more (job) WORK tHan TO a man.

    (the man) MEN ARE (is) viewed like a superior person in comparison TO WOMEN (with a woman)


