miércoles, 2 de octubre de 2013

Santiago City.

Santiago is the capital city of Chile, a place where you find all the financial world of the country. The principal activities in this city are the financial activities, you can find the headquarters, and the tourism also is developed here. 

Santiago has an inefficient public transport. The buses collapse in the pick hours, because many people return to their homes and the subway also. In the winter, with the rain, the subway suffers floods. For being a capital city, the people can work there, but the stress is too bigger that the people lose the tolerance and becomes aggressive. In the travels to the work/house, their faces seem angry or disgusting, so their encouragement is transmitted to the other people.

But in this city are found the most important cultural areas: like historical and natural museums; the biggest library in the country, where you can study for the university and it is free; the cultural centers, like the observatory, where you learn interactively . In the center of Santiago you find many shops, like shops of shoes, of clothes, beauty centers, retails; and places where you can eat something good, like shops of ice cream, restaurants, and a lot of places where is sold junk food. The most important centers of study of the country are found there, like high schools, colleges, and universities of the state or privates. Some of them are the best of the country, so a lot of students migrate to this city for a best future.

This city have a seriously problems with the pollution, because this city is on a valley, so the circulation of the air currents is not very effective, and the amount of cars is bigger. Also, the urban expansion reduces the “green areas”, being a contribution to the rising of the temperatures.

viernes, 14 de junio de 2013

My Days in the High School.

My experience in the high school was good and bad, because I learned to know false people and to make me stronger every day.

My high school doesn’t like me, really, but it was one of the best of my city. It was a commercial high school, where your graduation is with a degree of mid-level technical that allows you to work. So I should still there. I had many crazy days, and many days boring. In the high school wet was forbidden between the students, but one day my classmates threw water in a classroom leaving all wet, and other day we play football in a hall with a dictionary instead a balloon haha. One day the entire course escaped of class. Some stayed in the high school and because of them we were suspended. The authorities of the high school suspended to 15 students per day, and my suspension was a Friday, so I was a happy long weekend.
One of the good things is that I met teachers, who were a good company during that time, and I got along better with some of them.  With them you could talk about any topic, in special about games or anime. When I get to fourth grade, they help me in the preparation for entry to the university, by lending books and others things that help me to decide which career I will study, and they recommending me what to do and what not to do.
The friendship not was a good ambit, because many things happened, but I’m happy because I have a true friend of high school. Also, I was never popular, so I had few friends.

So, the good experiences were the friendship and the crazy days, and the bad experiences were the disappointments, and that I didn't have a very good education, because the teachers weren’t good and they always taught the same things.

lunes, 27 de mayo de 2013

Being a 19 years old women in chile: Advantages and disadvantages

When the people have 19 years old, they are superior students, and spend their time studying or working.
In Chile, if you have 18 years old, you are an adult for law, so being a 19 years old women in Chile is an advantage because exist a lot of work that you can postulate, in comparison to man. A disadvantage is that you haven’t similar laboral experiences, you can’t work. But if they don’t give you work, you can’t gain experience. So is a conflictive situation.

With 19 years old, the woman has more request of the society, in special by parents. The woman should take more care of pervert adults, assaults (because she is less strong than the bad man) and a woman never should be walking alone in the street, especially during the night. But, forgetting all these difficulties, in that age, the woman are in a kind of apogee in her life, where she can make everything she has proposed to herself, reaching her target with success. She has more access to opportunities in the studies and in the personal development. Is not necessary force herself for to look fine and the most important is that the women can make two things both.

Being a woman help you to open doors in the labor market, because a woman have a better personal presentation, and her work’s way involves more organization, and is maybe more faster. The disadvantage is the reduced salary and the stress in the work, especially in office, for the reason that a boss normally gives to her more job tan a man.

So, in Chile we find a sexist society, where the man is viewed like a superior person in comparison with a woman in many aspects, for example: in strength, salary, kind of labors, in intelligence, etc.

domingo, 21 de abril de 2013

Topic for oral presentation


Well I will talk about my topic for oral presentation in the university, is about Geography, and I'm interested in the clouds.

The clouds are very important because they is a response of the climate changes in the planet, they are a factor important in diversify of weather because they are an element primordial in the climate.
The clouds are classified in physical terms and their altitude. Also every one have a effect, accion different o work, some are of stormy, others are of the rain, etc.

They are important for us because they give rain, and for that, we don't suffer by drought.
Also the clouds absorb the energy of sun, the "incident" energy , being a important factor of protection against sun rays for the humans.

In many places of the world without rain or clouds the scientists make clouds, this practice is called "siembra de nubes", because "they have problems with the water".

We have many clouds beautiful and is easy recognize too, the most common are the stratus they are present in summer and days with sun, The cumulus are all year, specially during the summer too. The nimbus are clouds of rain, We see that in winter and the cirrus are clouds of stormy,so when you see at the cumulonimbus... run for your life!!! they are a clouds of storm.
To know about the different types of clouds help you to identify some aspects of the day to day, for example, you will know when will rain. or in extreme cases, when a snowfall will take place.

All this process and phenomena happen in the atmosphere, in the layer called "tropopausa"

Probably were to ask... why there are clouds grey and white clouds? what is the difference?... Well, the grey clouds are the clouds of rain and they are composed  by water, and the white clouds, due to their altitude, they are composed of ice!! for particles of ice, because higher is the altitud, minor is the temperature, and the water molecules are frozen.

See the video for more information :)

miércoles, 27 de marzo de 2013


Hi my name is Catherine Jara and I study Geography in the Universidad de Chile, in the city of Santiago, but I am from Rancagua city.
I like the animals, in special the cats. I have one, his name is Miso and it is very lazy. In my free times I watch anime especially comedy, or drama, I hate anime romantic, and The Simpsons are my favorite american animation. I am afraid of insects, worms and earthquakes. I dream about being a great professional in the future and know more about the world.
The rock and metal are my musicals preferences, but i prefer the symphonic metal, my favorite group is Nigthwish, although the vocalist is other, I listen the old songs. I don’t like the romantics songs, cumbias, bachatas and I really hate the reggaeton because it is very stupid, vulgar and monotone in my opinion.
I Have difficulty with learning mathematics and understanding texts about the society.
My hobbies are draw anime, play with my cat, and rest the weekends, I don't like go out to parties. They are boring to me, so I prefer stay in my house and be a lazy.
I love birds, in special the more little, I love it when they jump or wash themselves, and their singing are beautiful and relaxing.
I will travel more in chile, places with very species of vegetation, and biodiversity, know more places of Rancagua and Santiago. I'm going to pass my subjects with success.

He Is Miso.